Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wiggle Worm

Well, I haven't posted about finding out the gender of Baby.  That's because Baby is evidently a little wiggle worm.  He/she moved around during the entire ultrasound.  Brad took video of it which we've been watching over and over.  The Nurse Practitioner did guess that Baby may be a boy but wasn't sure.  I keep watching the video thinking that I'll magically be able to tell.  Of course I can't but it's still pretty cool watching Baby move.  I go for another ultrasound on August 30th which is the Tuesday before my first baby shower that Saturday.  Hopefully, little Wiggle Worm will stay still enough for us to find out. 
My most recent obsessive planning worry is that Baby doesn't have a name.  I don't know why this is bothering me so bad.  We don't even know the baby's gender and I am freaked out about not having a name.  We also don't have all of the storage out of Baby's room and need to paint in there but for some reason, I'm not as worried about that as not having a name.  I guess this is normal. 
I was also hoping for a 16 week belly bump picture but Brad kept putting it off and now it's almost 17 weeks.  Maybe I can talk him into starting at 17 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're right about a nameless baby making a mommy to be crazy.
    It took us MONTHS to agree on Gideon, and even before that it was making me crazy to even look and have an unnamed baby in my belly.
    Maybe that's because Adeline was named before I was even pregnant-HAH.
    Can't wait to see our little wiggly one on the next ultrasound, and looking forward to reading along your journey here. :)
